allocation of tips law blog

The new Allocation of Tips Act

If your business operates in the hospitality, leisure, or service industries then you and your teams will likely already be aware of the new Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 that comes into force on 1st of October. This new legislation creates a positive duty on employers to allocate all tips fairly amongst their workforce … Read more

quiet quitting blog

What is quiet quitting?

The term quiet quitting has been all over the press during the last few months, but what is it really all about and why is it something you should be aware of in your organisation? The term itself was coined on social media and refers to an employee mindset that focuses on doing only what … Read more

Re-instatement of an employee after unfair dismissal

Re-instatement or re-engagement of an employee after an unfair dismissal trial

When we think of an unfair dismissal tribunal the two most common outcomes that spring to mind are either that the employee loses the case and continues with employment elsewhere, or if the case is found in their favour a financial award is paid by the employer. But there is another scenario that both employers … Read more

Employees guide to employment tribunals and court claims

An Employee’s guide to Employment Tribunals and Court Claims

Bringing an Employment Tribunal or Court claim can seem like a daunting prospect given the potential time, cost and risks involved. But if you’re clear what your claims are, have strong evidence to support these and are prepared to follow the Tribunal or Court process, there is no reason why you cannot bring a successful … Read more

Employer's guide to Tribunals & Court Claims

The Employer’s guide to Tribunals & Court Claims

Dealing with an Employment Tribunal or Court claim can be a time-consuming and costly exercise and there are risks and uncertainty associated with litigation. However, with careful planning, well-organised and strong documentation, and the support of a great employment lawyer (like us!), you can ensure claims are defended swiftly and successfully. Who can make an … Read more

Image of redundant employee

Redundancy – an employee guide

Losing your job is scary, and redundancy can be a stressful experience, but you do have rights and there are strict redundancy procedures that employers must follow. In this guide, we’ll take you through the key points of the redundancy process, including your rights and some tips on how to manage the process. What is … Read more

Settlement agreements graphic

The Employer’s Guide to Settlement Agreements

As an employer there are a variety of circumstances where you might want to agree an employee’s exit from the business on mutually agreed terms and want the security of knowing that no litigation will follow. The most common way to achieve this is by using a settlement agreement. Settlement agreements can benefit both employer … Read more