handbooks, policies & contracts best practice

Handbooks, policies and contracts best practice

A question we are often asked by employers is how often handbooks, policies and contracts should be reviewed. Our advice would be no less than every two years and if you were being very vigilant, every year. The reality of keeping on top of these documents for businesses can be quite different though, especially for … Read more

Blog on fire and rehire

Contractual changes and the use of fire and rehire

This term fire and rehire can be used to refer to a situation where employers dismiss and then re-employ workers on different terms and conditions. Or in some cases it is used as a bargaining tool, suggested to workers during negotiations on changing their terms and conditions. Some businesses may view fire and rehire as … Read more

Date protection law image

Data protection law; what employers need to know

Data protection has become much more stringent in the last few years and is now governed in the UK by the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), alongside the introduction of the more recent UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) which came into effect at the start of 2021. As you can imagine it’s … Read more

covid vaccinations in the workplace blog

COVID vaccinations in the workplace – what employers need to know

With many staff returning to the office during the Autumn, employers will be turning their attention to making the workplace environment as safe as possible for everybody, which may include considering whether staff have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or not. In the absence of vaccination becoming a legal requirement (currently it will only be mandatory … Read more

blog handling redundancies during covid

Handling redundancies during the pandemic

Sadly, redundancies are an inevitable side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many businesses will have to face tough decisions around whether to permanently reduce their workforce going forward. It’s always worth considering whether there could be a different option available. In some circumstances there are other workable solutions that can be implemented to completely … Read more

end of cjrs blog

The end of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

The 1st of July saw the beginning of the wind down of the national Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme which has covered the pay of furloughed staff throughout the pandemic. The government contribution reduced from 80% to 70%, leaving employers to top up the remaining 10% of wages for those staff still not working. In August … Read more

Redundancies & Restructures; what businesses need to know.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to devastate lives and economies the world over, UK businesses face unprecedented levels of economic uncertainty and instability. It is therefore essential that businesses consider whether their workforce is the right shape and size to weather the storm. However unpleasant, many UK businesses are likely to decide that a workplace … Read more